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1. 包子:包子是一种蒸煮的面食,通常用面粉制成皮,内馅可以是肉、蔬菜或豆沙等。

2. 饺子:饺子是一种将面粉皮包裹肉馅或蔬菜馅的食物,通常是水煮或蒸煮。

3. 春卷:春卷是一种用薄饼皮包裹蔬菜和肉馅的炸食物,通常搭配甜辣酱一起食用。

4. 煎饼果子:煎饼果子是一种将薄饼皮卷起来,内馅可以是油条、鸡蛋、蔬菜等,再加上甜辣酱的煎炸食物。

5. 烧饼:烧饼是一种用面粉制成的圆形面饼,通常搭配油条、豆浆等食用。

6. 煎包:煎包是一种将包子煎炸而成的小吃,外皮酥脆,内馅多样。

7. 炒面:炒面是一种将面条炒熟后加入蔬菜、肉类等配料炒制而成的小吃。

8. 炒饭:炒饭是一种将米饭炒熟后加入蔬菜、肉类等配料炒制而成的小吃。

9. 羊肉串:羊肉串是一种将羊肉切成小块后串在竹签上,烧烤而成的小吃。

10. 煎饺:煎饺是一种将饺子煎炸而成的小吃,外皮酥脆,内馅多样。


China is a country with a rich culinary culture, and snacks are an important part of Chinese cuisine. Here is a list of Chinese snacks that are popular in China.

1. Baozi: Baozi is a steamed bun made from flour dough, filled with meat, vegetables, or red bean paste.

2. Jiaozi: Jiaozi is a type of dumpling made by wrapping dough around meat or vegetable fillings, usually boiled or steamed.

3. Spring rolls: Spring rolls are fried snacks made by wrapping vegetables and meat fillings in thin pastry, often served with sweet and spicy sauce.

4. Jianbing guozi: Jianbing guozi is a type of pancake rolled with fillings such as fried dough sticks, eggs, and vegetables, served with sweet and spicy sauce.

5. Shaobing: Shaobing is a round flatbread made from flour dough, often served with fried dough sticks, soy milk, etc.

6. Jianbao: Jianbao is a type of pan-fried bun made by frying baozi, with a crispy outer layer and various fillings.

7. Chow mein: Chow mein is a stir-fried noodle dish with vegetables, meat, and other ingredients.

8. Fried rice: Fried rice is a dish made by stir-frying cooked rice with vegetables, meat, and other ingredients.

9. Lamb skewers: Lamb skewers are small pieces of lamb meat skewered on bamboo sticks and grilled.

10. Pan-fried dumplings: Pan-fried dumplings are dumplings that are pan-fried until crispy, with various fillings.


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