iphone 13各型号尺寸参数_iphone13全系列参数价格
iPhone 13系列的详细尺寸参数如下:,,- iPhone 13 mini:6.1英寸。,- iPhone 13 mini Max:6.7英寸。,- iPhone 13 Pro:6.1英寸。,- iPhone 13 Pro Max:6.7英寸。,,所有型号均支持IP68防水防尘等级,可以有效防止水和灰尘对手机造成损坏。价格方面,具体信息会因地区、销售渠道等因素有所不同,建议您前往苹果官网或授权经销商处查询更准确的价格。
IPhone X series phone's thickness is 7.4mm,
- iPhone X and X Pro models' thickness are estimated to be 7.57mm,
which may not be noticeable by most people, but there may be more significant changes in camera functionality.
Regarding the text you provided: "Iphone X series phones have a thickness of 7.4mm, with estimates ranging from 7.57mm for the iPhone X and X Pro models, which may not be immediately apparent to most people. However, it is possible that there may be greater variations in camera functionality."