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新闻学是一门研究新闻机构、记者以及新闻报道的 *** 和原则的学科。它探讨了如何收集、整理和传播信息,以满足公众的需求和期望。新闻学涵盖了从新闻采编到新闻报道等多个方面,旨在培养专业的新闻工作者,并提升大众对新闻的认识和理解。

Journali *** refers to the field of journali *** , which encompasses various forms of news reporting. It involves collecting, writing, editing, and publishing information and news events to convey information and news events. The process behind this process requires a combination of knowledge and skills in areas such as communication studies, political science, economics, history, law, etc.

What is journali *** ?

What is journalism?

Journali *** is a discipline that aims to study the process of news reporting, the spread of information through journali *** , the operation and management of journali *** industries, and the history of journali *** .

The core value of journali *** is truth, which means that the report must be based on facts, not personal or political bias; objectivity means that the report must not be influenced by personal or institutional interests; fairness means that the report must represent the voices of all social aspects equally; accuracy means that the report must accurately reflect reality, rather than misleading readers; and timeliness means that the report must allow readers to know about events promptly.

Journali *** 's values

Journalism's values

The core value of journali *** is the provision of accurate information to citizens. Journali *** plays a crucial role in society development and progress and offers essential information to promote democracy and freedom.

Journali *** 's research and development should adhere to the core values, with continuous adaptation to the challenges posed by digital age.



