Pasteurization是一种食品加工 *** ,它通过加热将食品中的微生物杀死,从而达到杀菌的目的。其作用主要是防止食品腐败、变质和污染。在许多国家和地区,包括中国、美国等,都有对食品安全进行严格控制的标准,要求食品在加工过程中必须经过适当的处理以确保食品的安全性。
In addition to killing bacteria and viruses, pasteurization also extends the shelf life of food by inhibiting bacterial growth and reproduction. This is why many food retailers use pasteurization techniques to produce and store their products for extended periods.
However, it's important to note that not all bacteria and viruses can withstand high heat treatment. Some may be more difficult to kill than others, so even if a product has been pasteurized, it still needs proper storage and handling to maintain its safety.
In conclusion, pasteurization is an essential food safety technology that plays a critical role in ensuring food quality and preventing foodborne illnesses.