学校是一个教育机构,其正确的发音包括 "schoo"、"schoo"、"school" 和 "school"。在英语中,这两个词发音相同,但需要注意的是,在美国英语中,只有 "school" 保留了原音。要准确地发音 school,需要学习并掌握所有元音字母的发音以及清辅音和浊辅音的区别。还要熟悉每个单词的拼写规则,并注意语调的变化。
The school is an institution that provides education and training.
The school sounds similar to the word food, with "oo" pronounced similarly as the 'o' in "cool". The correct pronunciation of school should be /skuːl/. The emphasis is on the first syllable, so we should stress it.
To pronounce school correctly, we need to pay attention to two sounds - the emphasis and the 'oo'. The emphasis is on the first syllable, so we should emphasize it by making the tongue sit at the front of the mouth and allowing air to flow through the lips while keeping the throat relaxed and producing the long 'oo' sound while pressing the 's' with a hard tone.