
玩车行家 17分钟前 阅读:2 评论:0

"The parking area signs require?" - "The parking area signs requirement?"

"In order to ensure the convenience of people, the signs should be placed in a bright place so that they can clearly recognize the signs." - "In order to ensure the convenience of people, the signs should be placed in a bright place so that they can clearly recognize the signs."

"1. They should be placed in areas where visibility is good, especially near places where visibility is difficult to assess." - "They should be placed in areas where visibility is good, especially near places where visibility is difficult to assess."

"I. The surface light intensity of the sign should be uniform and at least 30 cd/m2 above average." - "II. The surface light intensity of the sign should be uniform and at least 30 cd/m2 above average."

"I. The reflective material of the sign should have good angle of incidence and anti-reversive property, with an inverse reflectance coefficient value that meets JT/T279 requirements." - "III. The reflective material of the sign should have good angle of incidence and anti-reversive property, with an inverse reflectance coefficient value that meets JT/T279 requirements."


