"Steam下载路径一般为'用户名 Steam Games',用户名'通常是指你在Steam中注册账户时使用的用户名。如果你不清楚如何找到,可以在设置菜单中查找'用户名称或密码'选项,然后按照提示输入你的用户名即可。至于游戏的存放位置,通常会存储在你的 Steam 数据库中。你可以在主界面中的 '文件和库' 选项中查看到所有游戏的信息,包括它们所在的文件夹。"
"I can usually find the download path by navigating to the user settings menu and selecting 'User Name or Password' if you're unsure of how to find it. The path is typically stored in your Steam database, which you can view by clicking on the 'File and Library' option in the main interface."
"The download path for Steam games is usually denoted as 'username Steam Games'. To locate this, navigate to the user settings menu and select 'User Name or Password' if you're not sure how to find it. The path is typically stored in your Steam database, which you can view by clicking on the 'File and Library' option in the main interface."