*** *** :
1. 先准备三个鸡蛋,然后把鸡蛋打入碗中之后,在碗里面加入适量的细砂糖,加入的细砂糖的量,我们根据自己的口感来决定就可以了.
2. 把鸡蛋打发,等到鸡蛋打至颜色发白,泡沫非常细腻,没有带气泡的时候就可以了.
Ingredients required: 3 eggs, 80g low powder, 40g fine sugar, 20g vegetable oil
Preparation method:
1. Prepare three eggs first, and then break the eggs into a bowl. Add proper amount of fine granulated sugar to the bowl. We can decide the amount of fine granulated sugar according to our taste.
2. Whisk the eggs until they are white and have a fine foam and no bubbles.
3. Prepare some low-gluten flour. Sift the low-gluten flour first, and then add it to the egg liquid. Pay attention to it after adding it to the egg liquid. Like stir-frying, stir it well enough and mix it evenly.
4. Stir in 30 grams of vegetable oil, preferably without peanut oil, rapeseed oil and other strong- *** elling vegetable oil, because if the flavor is too strong, it will affect the aroma of the chicken cake itself. So our batter is ready.
5. We need to use the cake mold to shape the chicken cake. Brush a shallow layer of oil in the mold, pour in the batter, and just fill it up by 8 cents, because the batter will expand. Just plug it in and wait a few minutes to enjoy the delicious food.
6. It *** ells like eggs and tastes soft and sweet
1、新鲜鸡蛋一个。磕入碗中,用打蛋器调散,加入很少量盐 调匀,这时的蛋液会比之前稀、黄。 2、现在加水。更好是温水。冷水不太好,热水就更不行了,一冲进去就成蛋花了。 3、水中加入少量蚝油调匀后掺入蛋液里面调匀。再加入少量猪油。 4、烧一锅清水,放上蒸隔。水一定要开以后,再把蛋液放上蒸隔,然后开小火,锅盖一定要留缝,不要盖严实了。这样蒸出来的蛋羹绝对不会有蜂窝眼,口感也不会老。 大概10-15分钟,鸡蛋羹就应该差不多好了。撒上一些葱花(根据个人爱好,还可以加肉臊之类的),滴上几滴蒸鱼豉油就可以享用啦! 注意几点,定会蒸出好吃的 1.蛋和水的比例约为1:2; 2.要加温水并与蛋液充分搅匀;